Rihanna is considered by many as the style icon of the young generation, she has achieved a lot within a very short span of time. Since 2005 Rihanna has come a long way, she has emerged as the style diva of Hollywood, whom people look up to for the latest fashion trends in the industry.

Most certainly the fans are going to be starstruck as soon as they see Rihanna. Rihanna’s recently done a number of tattoos on her back and her right hand, and these tattoos add to the sensual appeal of the singer.

The latest addition is the sixth tattoo on her body, this tattoo is on her back, and the other tattoos include the music note on her ankle. Some of the other tattoos that she has on her body include the Pisces sign behind her right ear. There is another tattoo on the inside of her left ear that shows the sign of the star.

Some of the tattoos have meanings and they are not there just because the look good, it is simply because of the fact that Rihanna believes that these tattoos are meaningful and they add a certain amount of auspiciousness to her mind and body.