Rihanna as we all know is the newest singing sensation from Barbados, this super talented singer made her debut in Hollywood in the year 2005. Rihanna, 20 year old singer and musician has already enthralled the audiences with her superb track album” Good Girl Gone Bad”. In the year 2007 her big break came and she was asked to perform for the mtv Music awards. This was one of the best moments of her career.
Rihanna was seen sporting her newly found short hairstyle and she came onstage with a black dress which attenuated her figure and her performance was considered by any as the best ever.
Point to be ted is that this was the time when she came up with her new style of short hair. The singer has admitted to many of the recent interviews and she has confirmed to the fact that this was the time when she actually found an identity for herself.

Rihanna has a unique sense of style and this style can be seen in her singing as well making her voice the most distinctive and identifiable by her fans. She performed her hit single umbrella for the enthusiastic crowd at the music awards ceremony.
Rihanna Hairstyles at MTV Movie awards

Rihanna Hairstyles 2009