Rihanna, a model and a fashion designer as well as a singer, has more need than any to look good in front of the media, and looking good is one thing that she seems to do with ease.
Rihanna has chopped her beautiful long locks and gone for a more edgy, modern hairstyle which suits her clothes and new style of music. Rocky, edgy and "spunky" are all three words used to describe her new look and her new album, and there couldn't be three more words to better describe her.
Rihanna has a sense of style that is completely her own. There is no-one else in the charts today quite like her and it is that, that makes her so appealing to both men and women worldwide. She shows women how to get an effortless sense of style that is like no other, from her ever changing hair, to her choice of clothes, and it is this slightly eccentric appeal that leaves men drooling all over the world.