The new celebrities keep experimenting with their hairs, makeup and their looks all the time, well there have always been those who do not like to fiddle with their looks, but mostly the limelight is dominated by celebrities who love to experiment a lot.
The fashion dictates many things to the Hollywood superstars regarding the way they should project themselves and the way they should appear in public. The reason why most of the superstars hire stylists is the fact that they themselves find it difficult to cope up with the stress of staying in fashion all the time. Rihanna on the other hand is a superstar who has embraced her celebrity status and has emerged as a winner.

Rihanna's looks have been well received by the fashion police; the career in modeling industry has helped her a lot. This talented young celebrity knows her way around the world of high fashion, her new straight short hairstyle wooed her fans. Since her hit debut album in 2005 she has changed haircut and styles with certain regularity and surprisingly enough the straight short hairstyle seems to have fitted her best.
Rihanna new short trendy hairstyle 2009

Rihanna new short trendy hairstyle 2009