Rihanna born in the stunning Barbados Island, Caribbean Queen, gained recognition at a very young age by singing super hits like Please Don’t Stop the Music and Umbrella. She always wears fun fashion as well as purely stunning looks over the red carpet and even her album and usual life.

You can every time count upon her to see her in various kinds of hairstyles, as one day she will have long hair day and the next unbelievable crop style. Her spunky, short hair styles set her apart from other typical copy cats. From black to brown and beyond, watch her hair transforms.

In the annual jingle ball concert Rihanna carried a cropped coif at the bottom, which is completely cut near the ears, yet flaunting a heavy style over the top. While at the Unicef snowflake lighting she made a asymmetric hair do with right side curls on one side and at other a designed heavier side making all the heads turning on her.

At the 5th Anniversary of "Fashion Rocks" at Radio City Music Hall, Rihanna confidently carried a boyish clipper cut astonishingly, since she possess perfect features to wear this kind of look. The intense style to this edgy, bold look gave Rihanna sharp lines in contrast with the pompadour over the top.

Rihanna New Sexy Hairstyles 2009