Katy Perry: Gospel Singer to Pseudo-Gay IconKaty Hudson and Katy Perry are one and the same person. However, from the albums that have been released under these two names, you will observe a stark contrast. It is another
Dr. Jeckyll-and-Mr. Hyde scenario where well-behaved mistress meets rebellion. In the case of American pop star
Katy Perry, the road to perdition seems to be the more enticing path, at least for the meantime.
Katy Perry was born in a Santa Barbara, California home in October 1984. With loving and doting
Christian pastor parents, Katy knew God and His love at an early age. Her singing talent was maximized in the church choir where she sang gospel songs from age 9 to 17. That was the only music exposure she had since her mother banned her from listening to other kinds of music.
When Katy was 16 years old in 2001, she signed under
Red Hill Records and released a self-titled album namely,
Katy Hudson. Katy had a promising career as a
Christian artist with song lyrics that were so personal and genuine and a voice so distinct.
You will find that in a lot of
Christian families, pastor’s kids are more often than not, the ones who Satan lures. In the year 2007, Katy changed her stage name to
Katy Perry and released her first internet single “
Ur So Gay” which received attention in spite of not topping the charts. Her second single entitled “I Kissed a Girl” rocked the world. The controversy that followed after the song’s release has not fizzled to this day and Katy Perry remains under scrutiny by gay groups as well as the
Christian community for her songs.

This august 2010, Katy Perry will release a new album with the title “Teenage Dream.” It is expected to top the
Billboard charts once again. As to
Katy Perry’s spiritual condition, no one can tell. Stardom may have brought her to the worldly environment that she is in today, but the same stardom can also be the triggering force that will pave the way back home to her
Christian roots. Only time will tell.